Mark Midensky - Intermediate Class - Month One

Mark's Intermediate Class - Session 3 Welcome to our class blog-site for Session 3. This is important information that you should not share with people outside this class. We will be using this blog site to post and correct journals. There will be three journals, three presentations based on the journal worth a total of 225 marks and these marks will be used to calculated your mark for class participation. Your journals will be corrected online by your instructor. Mark.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Helping Siamese Twins

Dear Mayor of Toronto

I'm a volunteer worker working for Love&Peace, an organization for Siamese twins. Have you ever heard about siamese twins? Usually, 'The twins' means each person who has different bodies and personalities even thought they have the same appearance. In case of siamese twins, they also have different personalities, but they are physically connected by incomplete splitting of the single fertilized egg. Can you imagine how they are suffering. I enclosed some pictures. I hope it will help you to understand more exactly about Siamese twins. Approximately, Six-hundreds Siamese twins are suffering in the world today.

We are planning to hold a concert for them. All the benefits from this concert will be used to help them. It will be very advantageous to Siamese twins all over the world. To prepare this concert, we need help. That is why I am writing this letter to you. We have three requests to you. First of all, We are wondering whether or not you can lend us a square located in front of City hall. There would be a great spot for our concert. Secondly, Can you introduce sponsors who can donate money for our concert. Last, we would like to invite you. If you participate in our concert, our concert will be much more successful.

We would like to be successful in our concert. We are convinced of your kindness. We will wait for your answer. Please oblige me with an answer. Thanks.

14. Mar. 2007


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